London 2013 - Proposal

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When you need a Devops Team


I've worked on projects in most industries both from India and the UK. I have worked at many enterprises with the most blatant silos and obvious Dev and Ops problems.

I am fully bought-in to the definition of DevOps as rightfully created by the founders and evangelists. However, I also recognise some benefits of having people dedicated to the success of Development and Operation team harmony (albeit often only for a temporary period). I appreciate that creating another silo has obvious downsides, but I’ve read so much in strong opposition of creating a function responsible for DevOps concerns that I feel the appropriate usage of dedicated teams deserves some credit. People shouldn’t be afraid / ashamed to try it and end up put off DevOps altogether.

In my talk I would strongly present both sides of the arguments backed up by real examples. Then I will highlight the key points required to make the right judgement. If you trust me with just 3 of your minutes I’ll spark up a useful discussion that I hope will help other people working with dinosaurs.

Speaker: Mark Rendell - Accenture

My background is 10 years of Development, Configuration and Release Management, Environment Management, Build and Deployment Automation, meta-modelling and code generation, and Service Management on large complex (ugly?) programmes.

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Gold sponsors

Xebialabs Atalanta Systems AppDynamics CFengine - Normation CA Technologies Cumulus Networks IBM Cisco

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Silver sponsors

Tim Group The Scale Factory Speerhead Sonatype